Results 2023


MANDRA finished the 2023 race season with a great day of racing at Island Dragway. The track was well prepared the day went pretty smoothly.

The days sponsors were ABP Mechanical, Tony & Kim Picone and Cyclone Racing Merritt Snyder & Barbara Sommers.
In addition to the regular purse there were 5 - $20 Blind Squirrel awards for random first round winners and a $50 bonus to the first round loser, to the days race winner.

Tim Hansberry had low reaction time in both time runs with a .004 and a .007, with 19 cars on hand Tim did get a first round bye run.

The top 2 points positions were pretty secure but next 5 or 6 in MANDRA points still had a mathematical chance to move up in points if things went their way.

The first round Blind Squirrel awards went to Vic Fiore, Mike Volpe, Brian Yarrison, Mark Santee and Bob English.

Round 2 saw Geoff Sotak send Carly Boyer home early, Mark Santee ended Brian Yarrisons day, Mike Volpe defeated Vic Fiore, Larry Wittig defeated Tony Picone

and Bob English won over Tim Hansberry.

In round three Mark Santee defeated Bob English in a close race, Larry Wittig ended Mike Volpes day and Geoff Sotak had a bye run.

There were 3 cars remaining for the semi-final round Mark Santee defeated Geoff Sotak and Larry Wittig had the bye run into the final.

This presented two cheering sections for the two finalists, Ray Bloom rooting for Larry Wittig, who defeated him in the first round and Rusty Frank rooting for Mark Santee,
who defeated him in the first round, as they stood to get the $50 bonus as the winners first round victim.

The final race of 2023 was over quickly when Mark Santee had a .020 red light while Larry Wittig had another good run with a 10.33 on his 10.32 dial in.

This gave Ray Bloom the $50 bonus, the award everyone would like to have but nobody wants, (because you have to lose first round to get it).

Congratulations to Larry Wittig for his first MANDRA win and thank you to everyone for your support of MANDRA
Winner - Larry Wittig
Runner-up - Mark Santee
Semi's - Geoff Sotak


Saturday September 2nd

The weather was hot, so was the racing and the Founders Day picnic was bigger and better than ever. Thank you to all who brought food and everyone who helped with the set up and take down of the picnic area.

Founders Day is time to remember Ralph Eberly and the 12 or so members who started MANDRA in 1999.

Saturdays sponsors were Team Ferraro, Hansberry Enterprise and John Harris and Christina Davenport. Unfortunately Tim Hansberry, John & Christina were unable to be there but we gave away their money anyway.

Multiple sponsors allowed MANDRA to offer racers $10 for every round win in competition starting with first round winners. There were also multiple Blind Squirrel awards for randomly selected first round pairings. A special award was the refund of the racer day admission fee, to the MANDRA member who lost in the first round to the days event winner. These awards on Saturday were all provided by the days sponsors. Thank you for helping to make Founders Day fun and successful.

MANDRA had 34 cars for the Saturday race with Randy Campbell getting low reaction time in time trials with a .005. With 34 cars for first round there was no bye run in first round.

Early rounds featured some very close racing, in the third round Tim Milliron ending Jamie Reicherts day, Bud Poust defeated Merritt Snyder, Mark Santee ended Frankie G’s day, Paul (Moe) Costley sent Josh Nevells home and Bob Maulick had a bye run due to a .001 reaction time in the second round.

Fourth round saw Paul (Moe) Costley defeat Tim Milliron, Bob Maulick end Mark Santee’s day and Bud Poust had the bye run due to a .002 reaction time in the previous round. This brought us to 3 cars left in competition.

Bob Maulick took out Bud Poust and Paul (Moe) Costley had the Bye run.

This set up a great final with two racers who have not won a race in 2023.

Paul (Moe) Costley left first with Bob Maulick in pursuit. Bob was unable to catch Moe who has his first win since joining MANDRA earlier this year.

Congratulations to Moe for a well deserved win.

Once we had the days winner we could present the award that everyone would like to have but no one wants. The award went to John Wise to ease the pain of being defeated by Moe Costly, the days event winner, in the first round.

Saturday’s consolation race featured 8 MANDRA cars with the final coming down to Brian Wallace and Larry Wittg with Larry red lighting his chances away. Congratulations to Brian Wallace.

The day was long, hot and fun, and we get to do it again on Sunday.

Sunday September 3rd

The day started nice and cool but the weather and the racing got hot. The only thing the two days had in common was Bob Maulick.

Special shout out to Brian Yarrison who had a distributor parts breakage on his last run Saturday night, found parts and repaired the problem so he could race on Sunday.

Larry Wittig wasn’t so lucky as his Sox & Martin Plymouth broke a rear end on his first time run Sunday morning ending his day.

The days sponsor was Santee Brothers racing, in addition to the money sponsorship the Santee brothers offered $25 gift card to the winner, runner–up and semi-finalists. Be sure to thank Mark and Anthony for their support of MANDRA.

MANDRA had 32 cars for first round. Low reaction time on Sunday went to Geoff Sotak with a .000 reaction time in his first time run followed by a .008 on his second time run. Looks like Geoff is ready for race day.

First round went smoothly for most racers, Geoff Sotak faced Mark Santee but unfortunately Geoff used all his great reaction times in time trials and Mark sent him home. Drag racing will take you from hero to zero in a couple hundredths of a second.

In the third round Mark Santee defeated Tim Milliron, Mike Fisher defeated Bill Wert, Bob Maulick ended Jamie Reichert’s good weekend and Mike (Mike V.) Vandenheuvel ended Carly Boyers day.

Fourth round semi-finals saw Mark Santee defeat Mike Fisher who was having a good day and Mike (Mike V.) Vandenheuvel defeated Bob Maulick.

This set up a final with Mark Santee and Mike V., Mike V. left the line first with a .041 RT, Mark was right there with a .044 RT, at the finish line Mark ran closer to his dial-in giving him the win by .04 of a second.

Congratulations to Mark, Mike and everyone from MANDRA who made this a great weekend of Racing.

See you at South Mountain Sunday September 17th.

Have a great week.
Winner 9/2/23 - Paul Costley
Runner-up 9/2/23 - Bob Maulick
Semi's 9/2/23 - Bud Poust
Consolation 9/2/23 - Brian Wallace
Winner 9/3/23 - Mark Santee
Runner-up 9/3/23 - Mike Vandenhuevel
Semi's 9/3/23 - Mike Fisher
Semi's 9/3/23 - Bob Maulick


Sunday at was a beautiful day for racing, MANDRA had 27 cars on hand, everything went well no problems all day.

A special sponsorship was offered by Larry Wittig of Tamaqua Transfer & Recycling, Inc., allowing payouts starting with first round winners. In addition we had 5 blind Larry awards given to the random pairings in the first round. Thank you Larry for your support of MANDRA

The blind Larry awards went to Jim Shearer, Marc Longacre, Mark Santee, Charlie Innerst and Merritt Snyder for winning their first round pairing.

Low reaction time went to Randy Campbell with a .001 in time trials and Randy actually got the bye run this time.

There were some really close races all day long with several of them featuring Charlie Innerst, in the first round Charlie defeated Brian Yarrison.
Brian left first with a .001 better reaction time, at the finish line Brian ran a 7.7914 on his 7.80 dial-in and Charlie ran a 6.5016 on his 6.51 dial-in, mathematically less than a .0001 win margin, the time slip showed a.0000 win margin.

In the second round Charlie ran Bob English, Bob had a .0009 reaction time but ran out by .002, Charlie was right there with a very competitive run for the win. Other wins were Sotak over Campbell , Snyder over Volpe, Shearer over Wittig, Ferraro over Brian Wallace, Wise over Longacre and Santee over Maulick.

Round three Charlie Innerst defeated Mark Santee, Jim Shearer defeated Geoff Sotak and John Wise ended Ralph Ferraro’s day, all three wins were won on better reaction times.
Merritt Snyder had the Bye run due to low reaction time in the previous round.

In the Semi finals Charlie Innerst defeated Merritt Snyder and John Wise ended Jim Shearer’s very good day.

In the finals John Wise had a little Staging issue which resulted in a red light and Charlie made another consistent pass for the win.

Congratulations to all the winners at South Mountain.

Next week will be the Labor Day Beaver Springs weekend race and the annual MANDRA Founders Day picnic.
A time to remember Ralph Eberly and the 12 or so racers who started MANDRA in 1999.

See you there.
Winner - Charlie Innerst
Runner-up - John Wise
Semi's - Jim Shearer
Semi's - Merritt Snyder


Sunday, a beautiful sunny race day. MANDRA had 33 racers on hand, unfortunately for we lost 3 cars due to mechanical problems during time trials making the count 30 cars for first round.
Bill Johnson had a .001 reaction time in time trials but the 30 car first round field eliminated his bye run.

The days sponsor was FWG Racing, Frankie G., thank you for your support of MANDRA.

We welcome a new Member Vic Fiore with a 67 Doge Coronet.

Second round saw Yarrison win over Hansberry, Innerst over Campbell, Calimer over Bill Johnson, Santee over Snyder, Poust over Frymoyer, Weiss over Picone and Jarred Wallace over Irvin Johnson, Geoff Sotak had a bye run due to low reaction time in round one.

Third round Brian Yarrison defeated Bud Poust, Mark Santee defeated Jarred Wallace, Geoff Sotak ended Bob Calimers day and Charlie Innerst took out John Weiss.

Fourth round Geoff Sotak had a .0007 reaction time to send Mark Santee home and Brian Yarrison put Charlie Innerst on the trailer.

In a close final round Brian Yarrison left first with a great .019 RT, Geoff Sotak was right there with an .017 RT, at the finish line Brian ran too quick with a 7.79 on his 7.81 dial in giving the race to Geoff.

Congratulations to winner Geoff Sotak and runner-up Brian Yarrison, semi-finalists Mark Santee and Charlie Innerst.

A big thank you to Brian Wallace for running the consolation race at South Mountain.
Seven MANDRA racers participated in the consolation race, first round winners were Mike Volpe, Bob English, Frankie G. and Larry Wittig.

In the second round Bob English defeated Larry Wittig, and Mike Volpe defeated Frankie G.

For the final Mike Volpe was ready with a .008 RT and a 7.43 on his 7.42 dial in to take the win over Bob English.

Next race will be back at in two weeks, August 27.
Have a safe week.
Winner - 8/13/23 Geoff Sotak
Runner-up - 8/13/23 Brian Yarrison
Semi's - 8/13/23 Mark Santee
Semi's - 8/13/23 Charlie Innerst
Consolation Winner - 8/13/23 - Mike Volpe


Despite the threats of bad weather the Saturday race went off without a problem.
MANDRA had 14 cars make the first round. Thank you to the days sponsors Blue Oval Racing – Jim Mullin and D & M Engineering – Dick Demott.

Low reaction in time trials went to Bran Yarrison who due to an even number of cars got the customary reward, nothing.

The first round winners were John Wise, Brian Yarrison, Brian Wallace, Bud Poust, Mark Santee, Larry Wittig, and Jarred Wallace.

Second round saw Brian Yarrison defeat Bud Poust, Larry Wittig ending Brian Wallace’s day, Mark Santee ending Jarred Wallace’s day.

In the semi finals John Wise defeated Larry Wittig and Mark Santee defeated Brian Yarrison.

The final was over quickly when John Wise cut the tree a little to close with a .009 red light giving Mark the win.

Congratulations to Mark and John.

Saturday Larry Wittig and Jarred Wallace each won a Blind Squirrel Bonus ($20 ea.) by defeating their first round opponents.

Sundays race went equally well, the temperature was cooler and 23 MANDRA cars were on hand for first round. Low reaction time in time trials went to Bob English with a .001.

The days sponsor was Pat Brewer Carpentry. Thank you to Pat for his support.

First round saw several close pairings including Gary Breebacks win over Jarred Wallace, Jarred had a .000 light but couldn’t run his dial-in while ’s 6 cylinder altered ran a 9.99 on his 9.98 dial-in for the win.

Second round also had close racing Pete Boyer defeated Brian Wallace, Jim Shearer defeated Larry Wittig, Irvin Johnson kicked Ray Blooms butt with a .000 light, running an 11.209 on his 11.20 dial in, Randy Campbell beat Bob English, Mike Volpe sent Charlie Inerest home and Tim Milliron defeated Gary Breeback.

Third round saw Pete Boyer sent Tim Milliron home, Mike Volpe sent Irvin Johnson home and Jim Shearer defeated Randy Campbell.

In the semi final round Pete Boyer defeated Jim Shearer, Mike Volpe had a bye run into the finals due too low reaction time in the previous round.

In the final Mike Volpe left first with a .001 light, Pete was right behind but with a .003 red light.

Congratulations to Mike, Pete and everyone else for a great day of MANDRA racing.

See everyone at South Mountain September 13.
Winner - 7/29 - Mark Santee
Runner-up - 7/29 - John Wise
Semi's - 7/29 - Brian Yarrison
Semi's - 7/29 - Larry Wittig
Winner - 7/30 - Mike Volpe
Runner-up - 7/30 - Pete Boyer
Semi's - 7/30 - Jim Shearer


If mother nature won’t grant MANDRA a weekend of racing at Beaver Springs we should take advantage of the one good day we have and we did!

30 MANDRA racers were on hand for the Saturday race, although it was hot and humid racing went smoothly with a few surprises.
The days sponsor was R & A racing, Ray & Allison Bloom.

There were also three Blind Squirrel awards for random round winners. The rounds for these awards are picked before racers pick washers to keep the winners random. Blind Squirrel is looking for additional donations to fund these fun random $20 awards, you can attach your name to it or not.

The first Blind Squirrel award went to Bob English for his first round win, the other Blind Squirrel awards went to Ray Bloom for his second and third round wins.

All 30 MANDRA drivers made both time runs but the second round took its toll, Randy Campbell broke a rear end and Mark Santee suffered valve train damage and were booth unable to compete leaving MANDRA with 28 cars for first round.
Brian Wallace had low RT of time trials with a .0002 but as happens so often with an even number of cars there was no first round bye run.

The second round of time trials was followed by the running of the MANDRA rained out final round from Mason Dixon. Brian Wallace and Merritt Snyder paired up, Merritt left first with a better reaction time and Brian couldn’t catch up making Merritt the Mason Dixon event winner.

Second round winners were Paul (Moe) Costley, Charlie Innerst, Bud Poust, Ray Bloom, Ralph Ferraro, Bob English, and Mike Volpe.

Moving to the third round Ray Bloom defeated Ralph Ferraro, Charlie Innerst defeated Bud Poust, Bob English won over Mike Volpe and Paul Costley had a bye run into the semi-finals due to a .001 RT in the second round.

Ray Bloom defeated Paul Costley to get to the final round and Bob English went into his second final round in a row defeating Charlie Innerst in a close race.

Bob and Ray lined up for the finals, the Willys left first with the better reaction time and Bob couldn’t catch up.

Congratulations to all the days winners, the next race will be at Numidia July 29 and 30, see you there.

Winner - Ray Bloom
Runner-Up - Bob English
Semi's - Charlie Innerst
Semi's - Paul Costley


Good morning MANDRA racers, if you didn’t go to the Mason Dixon Rocking Chair Nationals nostalgia race because of the possible weather issues, YOU missed out. MANDRA had 21 racers on hand.
The skies were cloudy with the sun peaking through from time to time, in the late morning and mid afternoon dark clouds threatened showers that didn’t happen.

The days sponsor was John Hake Auto Repair, a big thank you to John for his support of MANDRA. Bob English had the low reaction time in second time trial (.001) giving Bob a first round bye run.

The racing was close, first round winners were Ray Bloom, Larry Wittig, Frankie G, Pat Brewer, Geoff Sotak, Levi Mauchamer, Donald Wood, Brian Wallace, Mark Santee, Merritt Snyder and Bob English had the first round bye run.

Second round Brian Wallace defeated Geoff Sotak, Merritt Snyder defeated Pat Brewer, Mark Santee won over Ray Bloom, Larry Wittig won over Bob English, Frankie G sent Levi Mauchamer home and Donald Wood had a bye run due to his .006 RT in the first round.

Third round Merritt Snyder defeated Frankie G and Brian Wallace Defeated Larry Wittig. In the closest race of the day Donald Wood defeated Mark Santee, Mark left first with a.009 RT followed by Donald’s .001, at the finish line Mark was .002 closer to his dial-in but that was not enough to catch Donald’s .008 advantage at the starting line.

There were three cars left for the semi-finals, Donald Wood already had an earned bye run in the second round allowing Merritt Snyder a bye run into the finals with a .016 RT in the third round. Brian Wallace won the other semi-final pairing when Donald had a red light.

By 6PM the days racing was almost over with only final rounds left to be run in all nostalgia classes. The MANDRA final round was set with Brian Wallace and Merritt Snyder. As the racers took their place in the staging lanes a sudden rain shower ended race day.

The MANDRA final round will be run at Beaver Springs during the July 8 & 9 Racers Reunion event.

See you there
Winner - Merritt Snyder
Runner-Up - Brian Wallace
Semi's - Donald Wood


A beautiful day for MANDRA and the Race 4 the House charity event, we had sunshine and great competition.

Iron Horse Construction was the days sponsor, thank you John Rose. MANDRA had 31 cars on hand, unfortunately Geoff Sotak broke the transmission he put in to replace his broken transmission and Ralph Ferraro also was unable to make first round. New member Brian Hutchison was on hand with his ’38 Dodge coupe.

Paul Costley (Moe’s Auto Repair, ) sponsored two bonuses, $40 for low reaction time in time trials, won by Bob Jones with a .001 RT and the first round bye run. Moe also sponsored the worst winning reaction time in eliminations, (no red lights) won by Brian Yarrison with a .209 RT in the second round.

First round saw a few unusual runs Bruce Thomas .007 RT was to no advantage when he ran out by .002, Gary Scott had a perfect .000 RT giving him the second round bye run, Donald Wood won his round with a .002 RT but couldn’t continue when his water pump began to leak. The second round went smoothly.

Third round Brian Hutchison defeated Brian Yarrison, Bob English defeated a red lighting Tim Milliron, John Wise won over Paul Costley in a close race and Mark Santee sent Gary Scott home.

In the semi-finals Bob English used a .010 RT to end John Wise Day and Mark Santee defeated Brian Hutchison.

In a great final round pairing Bob English and Mark Santee, Bob had another .010 RT and ran a 9.18 on his 9.15 dial-in to end Mark’s day, Mark ran a 10.32 on his 10.30 dial-in.

Congratulations to Bob English and to everyone who helped to make this a great event.
Winner- Bob English
Runner-Up - Mark Santee
Semi's - John Wise
Semi's - Brian Hutchison


Cecil County gave us great weather and great racing Saturday with 31 cars on hand for their 14th Annual Nostalgia Drag Race and Car Show. Paul Nevells Quarter Mile Farms, Inc, was the days sponsor.

Two new members raced with MANDRA at Cecil County, Riley Frymoyer, driving Dennis Frymoyers dragster made it a Team Frymoyer running points for the 2023 season and Paul Crispyn running an eight second 67 Dodge Dart competed with MANDRA.

Thanks to a couple bonus sponsors and donations to the Blind Squirrel there were 5 additional bonuses to MANDRA racers. Thanks to Santee Racing there was a $20 bonus for the low RT in time trials won by Paul Costley with a .000 in the first round of time trials which also gave Paul a bye run in the first round.

Cliff Sebring visiting in Pennsylvania raced with MANDRA at and posted a $40 bonus for the worst winning reaction time in eliminations with both cars having green lights, the award was won by Tim Hansberry with a .183 RT in his first round win. The winner in three random pair of cars picked by the Blind Squirrel, also received a bonus, in round one Cliff Sebring, in round 2 Josh Nevells and in round 3 Mark Santee each received a $20 bonus. This was a $120 in additional bonus for MANDRA racers. Remember these are donations that make these bonuses happen. See Ray in the morning if you would like to donate to the Blind Squirrel bonuses.

The first two round of eliminations went smoothly, in the third round Mark Santee took out Paul Costley both car ran close to their dial-in with Mark having a better reaction time, Cliff Sebring sent Mike VanDenHeuval home when Mike had an .016 red light, Donald Wood won when Tim Milliron also red lighted and Josh Nevells defeated Gary Scott when Gary’s dragster was unable to run his dial-in.

The semi-finals pitted Mark Santee against Donald Wood, a real close race, Mark left first with an .032 light but Don had him covered with a perfect .000 reaction time, at the finish line Mark was closer to his dial-in winning by .020.

In the other semi-final Josh Nevells had a slightly better reaction time over Cliff Sebring giving Josh the win by .020. The same margin as the Wood/Santee race.

In another close race for the final Mark Santee ran a 10.274 on his 10.26 dial-in to Josh Nevells 9.20 on his 9.17 dial-in but Josh left a red light at the starting line.

Congratulations to Mark Santee and to everyone who helped make Saturday a great day of MANDRA racing.

See you next week at Maple Grove
Winner - Mark Santee
Runner-up - Josh Nevell
Semi's - Donald Wood
Semi's - Cliff Sebring


MANDRA enjoyed a beautiful weekend of weather and racing at Beaver Springs.
Saturdays sponsor was ARC Plasma Cutting, Charlie Innerst. In addition the Blind Squirrel had a $40 bonus for the low RT in eliminations. There were 29 MANDRA cars on hand. Time trials went on without any problems, Mark Santee had a .0004 reaction time giving him the bye run in the first round.

Out of 15 pair in the first round MANDRA racers had 9 races decided by red lights. Charlie Innerst had a .005 low reaction giving him the bye run in the second round.

Second round went smoothly moving MANDRA into the third round where Bruce Thomas defeated Charlie Innerst, Levi Mauchamer defeated Geoff Sotak, Mark Santee won over John Wise and Gary Scotts dragster ended Randy Cambells day.

The semi-finals Bruce Thomas won over Gary Scott and Mark Santee defeated Levi Machamer.

In a very exciting final Mark Santee ran a 10.36 on his 10.35 dial-in while Bruce Thomas ran a 9.903 on his 9.90 dial-in but Mark had a better reaction time giving him the win.

Saturdays consolation race had 9 participants with the final between Brian Yarrison and Bob Maulick, Brian won running a 12.570 on his 12.57 dial-in for the win.

The Blind Squirrel $40 award for low reaction time in eliminations went to Randy Campbell with a .0011 in his second round win.

Sundays race was even more exciting with some of the same racers who excelled on Saturday also excelling on Sunday.

Sundays race sponsor was English Brothers Racing and again the weather was beautiful. MANDRA had 32 cars on the grounds but Jack Stump had transmission problems and Jarred Wallace had a bad head gasket preventing both cars from competing on Sunday leaving us with 30 cars.

The Blind Squirrel picked three random rounds where the winner of the round would get a $20 bonus.

MANDRA had 2 new members on Sunday, Mike VanDerHeuvel and Paul Costley, (known as Moe). Mike had a perfect RT in time trials but because there was an even number of cars Mike got the perfect MANDRA reward, nothing. Then when they picked washers they got each other in the first round with Mike winning the run. Irvin Johnson had low reaction time in the first round giving him the bye run in the second round. Bruce Thomas won the first Blind Squirrel award winning his first round pairing.

Bob English won the Blind Squirrel award in the second round winning his second round pairing.

In the third round racing got interesting with Bud Poust winning over Brian Yarrison, Bruce Thomas defeating Josh Nevells, Irvin Johnson sending Gary Scott home and great race with Bob English running 9.166 on his 9.16 dial-in to defeat Gary Yoder running a 10.659 on a 10.65 dial-in. Bruce Thomas also won his second Blind Squirrel award of the day when he won his third round pairing.

We must mention that after his third round win Irvin Johnson’s Chevelle was overheating due to a failing water pump drive motor. A group of about 10 MANDRA racers went into action, found a replacement drive motor, helped replace the failing unit and Irvin was ready for the semi-final round. A very big thank you to everyone involved. This is what MANDRA is about.

This brought us to the semi-finals where Bud Poust defeated Bruce Thomas and Bob English won over Irvin Johnson.

The final pitted Bud Poust against Bob English with Bud getting the win when Bob turned on a red light.

Congratulations to all our MANDRA winners.

Next race at on Saturday June 10, see you there.
Mark Santee - Winner May 27
Bruce Thomas - Runner-up May 27
Levi Machamer - Semi's May 27
Brian Yarrison - Winner Consulation May 27
Randy Campbell - Runner-Up Consolation May 27
Bud Poust - Winner May 28
Bob English - Runner-Up May 28
Irvin Johnson - Semi's May28


The first race of the 2023 season is in the books, race day started as beautiful, warm sunny but was shortened by a very light rain shower, just enough to end the race day.

MANDRA had 29 cars on hand including 3 new members, Larry Wittig, Mike Fishel, (not to be confused with Mike Fisher) and Barry Steinour who was there for a test and tune and didn’t run in MANDRA competition. The days sponsor was Susquehanna Valley Insulators, Brian Wallace.

Time runs went very smooth, with Merritt Snyder receiving the first round bye run with a .0009 reaction time in time runs.

Eliminations also went very smooth with Bruce Thomas, Jarred Wallace, Brian Yarrison and Frankie G. the four cars remaining. A very light rain drizzle started as they prepared for the semi-final round with Brian and Frankie G. the first pair, as they left the starting line Frankie G’s car swerved due to moisture on the track. The track immediately called the race.

All four drivers were given points as semi-finalists and the days purse was divided among them.

Next race will be at Beaver Springs May 27 and 28, see you there.


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