Mid Atlantic Nostalgic Drag Racing Association
Established 1999

MANDRA is a group of friends and racers united for one purpose—promoting nostalgia drag racing in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Our members are as varied as their cars. They come from all walks of life, but race as one group. At our races you will find friendship and comradery, not cut throat competition. Don’t misunderstand…
when two cars pair up at the starting line, the competition is real… each person wants to win, but it ends at the finish line!

We race as a group at eight or so different tracks in the Mid-Atlantic region. We have 14 or 15 racing events scheduled each year. We currently have over 75 members and are still growing. At some events MANDRA has more than 30 racers competing. Our
competition is fierce, but friendly.

MANDRA racing is supported by race sponsors. Plaques are given to each race winner, runner-up, and semi-finalists. Race winners also receive a winner’s decal. All members receive membership decals and have voting privileges. MANDRA points participants accumulate points throughout the season. 

MANDRA has a program for you whether you attend or try to attend every race during the year, racing for the points championship, or race only at tracks close to where you live.

The top 20 points participants are recognized at our annual awards banquet each November. The top three drivers are given special awards and a new points champion is crowned.
This is MANDRA

We attended Geezers at the Grove to compete with MANDRA. We arrived and pulled the dragster out of the trailer. We proceeded to tech.

We have a three wheel Honda as a tow vehicle. After the car was teched, our Honda would not start. John Harris came to our rescue to help start it. It would not stay running. We had no way to get back to our trailer. Marc English came with his golf cart and towed us back. We arrived at the trailer with no way to get our car to the line. Ralph Ferraro told us we could use his golf cart.

When we tried our generator, it would not start. One of our MANDRA neighbors, green Chevelle, (Dan Wagner) told us we could connect to his generator.

We managed to go the finals that day. On the last run, our car needed some time to fix a throttle problem. Our competitor told us he would give us the extra time.

On the last run, we had no way to get back to the pits, Bob Maulick came to get us and tow us to the winner's circle.

I am writing this small letter because l could not be racing with a better group of people. Without help from fellow members, we would have been going home early.

Thanks to MANDRA members for being the best group that I have ever joined.

Dennis Frymoyer and Crew
Copyright © 2025 by "MANDRA Racing"
All Rights reserved

E-Mail: nostalgiadragcars@outlook.com